Stored Product Moths
Stored Product Moths, the order of Lepidoptera, includes several insects that cause damages to food products in the millions or dollars each year. In the US, the Indian Meal Moth is the primary culprit however it’s cousins are not to be underestimated! This section will cover the stored product moths commonly found in both commercial and residential accounts that you as a PMP will encounter: Indian Meal Moth (Plodia interpunctella), Almond Moth (Ephestia/Cadra cautella), Raisin Moth (Ephestia/Cadra figulella), Tobacco Moth (Ephestia elutella), Mediterranean Flour Moth (Anagasta/Ephestia kuehniella), Angoumois Grain Moth (Sitotroga cerealella), destroy millions of dollars of food products each year. They infest stored products in food processing plants, storage warehouses, pet shops, grocery stores, railroad cars, retail stores, transport trailers, cargo vessels, homes, etc.